Is a new Bridget Jones Movie actually happening?

10 April 2024
bridget jones diaryTime to catch up with our darling Bridget!
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Bridget Fans, Brace Yourselves! A New Bridget Jones Film is On the Way!

Chuck on your comfy pyjamas and grab a cuppa, because the rumours are true: there’s a new Bridget Jones movie in the works!

YES! Our favourite chaotic singleton is returning to the big screen, and we couldn’t be more chuffed.

Now, ‘Bridget Jones’s Baby’ was a right laugh, don’t get me wrong. But proper Bridget fans (like yours truly) were a tad disappointed that it didn’t follow the storyline of the third book, “Mad About the Boy.” Well, it seems like they’ve listened to our whinging, because this latest film is a full-on adaptation of that brilliant and heartbreaking book!

Bridget Jones ‘Mad about the Boy’: the third instalment in the series by Helen Fielding

So, When’s This Bit of Brilliance Hitting the Cinemas?

Get this – “Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy” is popping into cinemas on Valentine’s Day 2025. A perfect date night film, innit?

Who’s Back and Who’s New?

Obviously, Renée Zellweger is returning as our beloved Bridget. And, bless his heart, Hugh Grant is back as the ever-so-charming (yet completely infuriating) Daniel Cleaver.

But there are some exciting new faces in the mix as well! Chiwetel Ejiofor is joining the cast alongside rising star Leo Woodall from “The White Lotus”. Sounds intriguing, doesn’t it?

What’s the Craic with the Storyline?

Here’s where things get juicy! The film picks up with Bridget in her 50s, a widowed single mum navigating the nightmare of school runs and social media faux pas. Widowed of course means that the gorgeous Mark Darcy, a.k.a. Colin Firth won’t be returning. Booo!!

Beyond this, expect hilarious musings on modern dating (hello, texting disasters!), the pitfalls of ageing, and the sheer madness of raising kids. Of course, there’ll be plenty of Bridget’s trademark awkwardness and a generous dose of romantic chaos thrown in for good measure.

This new Bridget Jones movie promises to have all the Bridget charm we adore – the laughs, the cringing awkwardness, and those moments of total vulnerability that make her so relatable. We’ll be giggling, having a good cry, and thinking about our own romantic disasters.

Get ready to update your diary, stock up on the vino, and embrace the absolute chaos that is Bridget Jones. She’s back, and we can hardly wait!